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Thank you to each and every one of you wonderful people who supported us during our big crowdfunding campaign! Through your support, we raised 41,500 CHF in one month and are ready to launch «Sophia» – the world’s first chatbot to empower survivors of domestic violence! Words can not describe how thankful we are to the public and our team of super volunteers who invested their time and money into helping us support survivors of domestic violence in this generous way.

Thanks to your support, we will soon be available to help survivors of domestic violence gather potential evidence, assesses their rights and learn about their options. All anonymously and without leaving a digital trace. Through «Sophia», we aim to lower the threshold for reaching out for help and give survivors access to key resources.

Our team is overwhelmed by the support received from the public and we’re extremely grateful for those of you who believe in «Sophia» as much as we do. Within just one month, together we raised 41,500 CHF, from 13 July to 13 August 2021. With our management team and all our INCREDIBLE volunteers, mountains of preparation, planning, and energy went into creating our crowdfunding campaign – all within a very limited time frame. We received support and funding from over 200 donors all around the world; including countries such as Switzerland, Mexico, the UK, the US and many more. This is an amazing stepping stone to wall our goals and aspirations to make our world a safer and better place for all. Plus, every donation will likely be matched by a grant, meaning the funds will be doubled.

We would like to give a special and huge shout out to the crowdfunding and communication volunteer teams who have been working on «Sophia» around the clock and made this all a reality. Thank you Clarina, Clinton, Mary, Shweta, Ariea, Paula, Annina, Patricia, Mari-Caroline, Sara, and Stella. We honestly could not have done it without you! You have been and are absolute rock stars!

Missed the crowdfunding campaign?

Don’t worry, you can check out our video below and you can go our Support Us page to learn more about the 3 ways you can support us right now:

Donate to SpringACT

SpringACT IBAN number: CH85 0079 0016 6024 28014


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